
Posts Tagged ‘tantrum’

For those of you who are inclined to “meltdowns”, i.e., the moment you want to throw a tantrum, explode or run away from the situation; I have learned a little tip:  SEE YOUR WAY THROUGH IT

For example, when you are going about your day just doing what you do and you find yourself all of a sudden in a situation where you want to:


tell someone what an idiot they are

pop somebody in the nose

throw, punch or slam something

scream at the top of your lungs something you know you’ll regret later    or …

something that will make you feel better momentarily, but will absolutely make you look like a fool in the long run

==>    YES, if this is you … then listen up:

When you find yourself in the heat of the moment, stop for just a second before you throw that tantrum and visualize yourself getting through it. Literally, see yourself at the end of the situation (when it’s over and everything is calm.)

It takes a lot less energy focusing on acting right then getting yourself all worked up and saying or doing something you will regret later.  Just ask my husband and my kids?!

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